Ammo is the
lifeblood of all Nerfers. It delivers the immense might of their modified
gun. Ammo comes in three categories; Arrows, Darts, and Balls.
Arrows were in the first Nerf Gun, the Bow and Arrow (yuck!). Nowadays,
arrows are mostly in high power guns, like the Big, Bad, Bow. They are
cumbersome to load on top of the barrel, so they are best used for sniping.
Smaller Arrows are in some guns.
Darts are used in most Nerf guns. They come in a variety of sizes and colors, from yellow with blue tipped darts (shown above) to orange with black tips, and even black with red tips. The most common size is the MEGA DARTS (the official Nerf name), and are about the size of your middle finger. I'll call those Regular Darts. Darts also come in a smaller size - about your pinky. I'll call them Small Darts, Mini Darts, Micro... something like that. There are also Larami Darts. They similar in size to Small Darts but are green with pink tips. They are used only in the SuperMax series of guns or guns made by Larami.
Balls are fired in many of the bigger Nerf guns. They are a little bit bigger than a shooter marble. They are used in many of the discontinued Nerf guns, and even a few not-so-Nerf guns. Pulsator brought them back, as Nerf probably wanted to sell some ballguns so they can get rid of all their balls (ya they want to be girls). Balls are fired by pushing something back and forth, making them very unreliable. They are best used by throwing them as grenades. Enough said.
All of these images were stolen from
Spoon 1's page, and he stole them from other pages, so go ahead and help
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