to the wonderful world of foam weapon warfare! Here you will find data
on the newest nerf guns, strategies on how to massacre enemies with them,
and some cool and battle tested modifications. Yes! Finally added frames.
You can take any of my images as long as you give credit to me (or whoever
I stole them from) for making them. I've stopped updating because I feel that I've acomplished what I wanted to and I'll move on to make a STARCRAFT page. Cya, my fellow nerfers!
Please sign my guestbook, so I'll know that I'm not the only visitor!
Weapon Reviews: which guns suck and which ones rule
Weapons Lab: ways to supercharge and improve Nerf Guns
Projectiles: Ammo, Ammo, Ammo
Nerf War Rules: several ways to wage Nerf WarsNerf Links: several of the other cool pages out there
Holy shninkto monkeys! Its an update! I haven't
gotten around to updating cuz my internet was down :( and cuz I went on
a ski trip. Well I added 1 new review, removed some junk from the rules
section, and scaled down the font (Verdana looks ugly when above 11 point).
A new record! Only 2 days between updates! I'm updating more frequently now that I'm on Christmas break! (Ha ha for you public school guys!) If I suddenly don't update for a week or something, don't be alarmed - break is over. Now to the point - what I added. I added a new pic, the welcome image, and added a few new links. I discovered that my page can work as a non-frames version, so I added a link to that. I also added a section about Ballisto (ya know, me) and one new mod.
Here's my biggest update yet! I added
the Nerf Marine, as you saw AND improved the Weapon Reviews - check it
out. I also fixed a bug in the "return to Ballisto's Nerf HQ Links" - they
pointed to my start page!
I didn't add much because FRAMES
ARE SO FRIGGIN HARD TO MAKE WORK! I added frames and a guestbook and 1
new link. Over and out.
I added a counter and a Nerf Quiz - its in the gun reviews section. I'll be updating the quiz every... month ... year... aw what the heck, I don't know, I'll just update it when the time is right, ok? I also added a rules section and a holiday greeting.
I made a small update here... Fixed
some spelling errors, spiced up my page, and added a Nerf Links section.
I improved the navigation a little too.
The launch of my new page!