Weapons Lab

Many of these modifications make a gun look ugly, but they increase performance greatly! Disclaimer: Nerf says not to modify their guns, saying that doing so is dangerous. But I don't give a damn about that because I'm tough as a rock! Any wusses too scared to modify their guns?

Gun: Any kind that has something that springs forward to fire
Materials: rubber bands (the thicker the better); tape
Equipment: something to cut the tape
Maintenance: replace the rubber bands whenever they snap
Reversible: yes
IQ required: 10

This modification can turn a pea shooter into a very powerful gun.


  1. First find two good places to hook the rubber band onto, one on the main part of the gun, another on the part the snaps forward. Make sure the rubber band won't get in the way of the firing mechanism.
  2. Now wrap the rubber bands around the locations you found in the last step and use tape for extra support. (Believe me, you do not want to lose that rubber band in battle. Trying to run forward and retrieve it will get the guts blown out of you.)
Now prepare to slaughter your enemies at a longer range!

Gun: Any gun
Materials: an ammo holder from a crappy gun and tons of tape
Equipment: something to cut the tape with
Maintenance: none
Reversible: yes
IQ required: 5

Many guns, like the Lock and Load, can carry only two or three darts. This modification lets them carry many more. Another solution is to put ammo in your pockets.

  1. Find a spot where the ammo holder will fit; over the existing one is often a good idea. Test it without tape to see if the holder interferes with the gun's performance.
  2. Tape the holder onto the gun at that spot you found so that it is very rigid.

Gun: Any gun with cumbersome and useless parts, like the Big Bad Bow or Ratchet blast
Materials: none
Equipment: maybe something to wrench off the bulky part
Maintenance: none
Reversible?: usually
IQ required: 1

A lot of guns have annoying parts, like the Lock and Loads sight. Take 'em off like this!

  1. Simply pull and twist and bend until the thing comes off.

Gun: Big Bad Bow, Crossbow, or Bow and Arrow
Materials: a sheet of scrap paper and tape
Equipment: something to cut the tape and paper
Maintenance: none
Reversible: yes
IQ required: 13

Ever run out of arrows when you're sniping in a tree with the Big Bad Bow? This modification lets you fire darts from it!

  1. Cut the sheet of scrap paper in half, so it's two long strips
  2. Wrap one strip around the barrel...no...tip?...nope...I dunno - thing of the gun and tape it.
  3. Wrap the other strip around a dart and MAKE IT AS TIGHT AS YOU CAN! Otherwise, you will have a dart flying 2 inches! Tape it in place.
  4. Put the smaller tube you just made into the big one and tape them together
Now you can put darts in the end and fire them! Also, this is removable, so you can fire arrows if you can get them.

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