will be mentioning different ammo types. To understand which is which,
see my Projectiles section. The gun type states
the size, function, and other attributes of the gun. The ammo type and...
no need to post it you should be able to figure it out. The overall rating
goes from 1 - 10 and describes how good the gun is. The rating is just
my opinion, so I will NOT take responsiblity for any fights lost with a
10 rated gun.
NOTE: These are only the guns I've handled before, so this section is pretty limited ... but growing!
Lock and Load
Gun type: Sniper Handgun
Ammo type and capacity: 3 Regular darts: 1 in
barrel, 2 in holders
Overall rating: 7, 8.5 when modified
Lock and Load is one of the best handguns, second only to Warthog. It is very powerful, especially for its size and cost - about $10. You can supercharge it with rubber bands - details at my Weapons Lab. Lock and Load's sight can be a real pain in the butt because it doesn't work very well as a sight - so take it off. Also, Lock and Load can only carry three darts, but you can add another holder - see my Weapons Lab. Lock and Load can also be annoying to cock, it can take several times before it is cocked.
Gun type: Short-Range Low-Power Cumbersome Pea
Ammo type and capacity: 5 Regular Darts: 1 in
barrel, 5 in holder
Overall rating: 3
Expand-a-Blast is one of the worst Nerf Guns. It is very slow and tricky to cock, and its range is arm's length. The expanding feature is useless and the sight sucks. The only good thing about this gun is that it can carry 6 darts. Take the money and buy a better gun.
Ratchet Blast
Gun type: Short-Range Light Machine Gun
Ammo type and capacity: 10 or 6 Regular Darts:
4 in barrels, 4 in
handguard holder, and 2 stuck in sight.
Overall rating: 8
Ratchet Blast is one of my favorite guns. It has four darts that you can unload in 2 seconds. Although the hand guard DOES carry 4 extra darts, it gets in the way and looks crappy, so take it off. It takes some practice, but you can learn to cock and fire Rachet Blast with one hand. Ratchet Blast doesn't have very good range or accuracy, but it's rapid-fire makes up for that. Unlike any of the rapid fire Nerf chain guns, Rachet Blast doesn't jam. It has better accuracy per dart, meaning less ammo usage. It is also much lighter than Chainblazer of Rototrack, so unless you want to blow the guts out of 10 people, Ratchet blast better to use.
Big Bad Bow
Gun type: Heavy Sniper Bow
Ammo type and capacity: 3 Arrows (Regular Darts
when modified): 1 on barrel, 2 in holders
Overall rating: 8, 9 when modified to shoot darts
The Big Bad Bow is the best arrow firing gun on the market today. (I've heard a lot about the crossbow, but I've never used it.) It has very good range, the only gun with higher range is the Vortex Tornado! It is also very accurate, especially if you look down the barrel. The Big Bad Bow's main drawback is that it can only shoot arrows, which are not very common. One of my friends made a solution to this problem - details here (You'll have to scroll down a lot, it's not very good navigation). I made a variation on it - details at my Weapons Lab. The plasic things that make the Big Bad Bow look like a bow get in the way a lot and are added weight, so it is best to take them off. A very minor problem is that the sight is tinted red, making it hard to see what you're aiming at. The solution is to simply turn the gun sideways and look down the arrow to aim. This method is far more accurate than using the sight - I can hit a piece of paper from across a room.
Gun type: Unreliable Rapid-Fire Ballgun
Ammo type and capacity: 6 Balls: 3 in each of
2 pulsating barrels
Overall rating: 2
Pulsator brought balls back
into production. They... wait a sec this is the Guns section! Details about
that here.
Sorry about that blooper...
Anyway, pulsator is the newest ballgun, and, like all ballguns, very crappy.
It's only good feature is its rapid-fire and the fact that its performance
INCREASES with use, unlike most guns. Pulsator's range and accuracy both
are very bad due to the unique horrible firing mechanism that all ballguns
share. (Yanking a handle...no...a trigger...nah...oh what the heck a thing
back and forth.) The balls often get wedged in at the end of the barrels
and plug them up. Then you have to fix it and pray you won't have to eat
hot foam. Take the money and buy Big Bad Bow or something.
Lightning Blitz
Gun type: Pistol-Size Shotgun
Ammo type and capacity: 10 Mini Darts: 5 in five
barrels, 5 in holders
Overall rating: 5
I have mixed feeling about Lightning Blitz. It is has five darts that fire in one volley, capable of taking out several people and is capable of carrying 5 more. The darts go with a good deal of power, at a price: the slow pump system. Lightning Blitz is also pretty light and small. However, it has very low accuracy, just a random volley, so use it on tight groups of people. Lighting Blitz is an OK gun, but nothing I'd die for.
Secret Shot
Gun type: Ugly Small "Sneak-Attack" Pistol
Ammo type and capacity: 3 Mini Darts: 1 in main
barrel, 1 in secret barrel, and 1 in holder
Overall rating:4
Secret Shot is no longer in production, a good thing. First, it is very ugly looking. It can't carry very much ammo and it's "secret" barrel is not very powerful or secret. The main barrel, however, isn't...no, that's not right, wasn't that bad, but if you have one of these guns now, it has probably been worn down from use so its range now sucks. The accuracy isn't that good either. Now I need to end this properly but I can't think of a good ending...
Secret Shot II
Gun type: Ugly "Sneak Attack" Pistol
Ammo type and capacity: 4 Regular Darts: 1 in
main barrel, 1 in swing down barrel, 2 in holders
Overall rating: 3, no 4, nah 3... I can't decide
Secret Shot II is a lot like it's predecesor; a pretty powerful main barrel, a pitiful "secret" barrel, and ugly looks. Secret Shot II has more power and doesn't wear out, because of the pump system. However that gives it slower reload... I mean cocking... no that's not right...preparing? Nope. Anyway, you get the point. Secret Shot II is heavier, has worse accuracy and sucks even more than Secret Shot. Avoid this gun at all costs!
Now it's your turn to tell about guns. Which one is the best?
If your favorite gun isn't listed, E-Mail it ot - oops- to me and if I think it's good, I'll post it.
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